

  • void() OPinitialize
Game engine initialization.
This function pointer points to a user function which is responsible
for performing any essential initialization, data allocation and setup
which is needed to begin the primary game loop.
  • OPint() OPupdate
Game engine update.
This function pointer points to a user function which accepts an
OPtimer as an argument. This function performs whatever action needs
to be taken to actually run the game. For example, this function would
be responsible for invoking game-logic updates, input device polling
and scene rendering.
  • void() OPrender
Game engine render.
This function pointer points to a user function which accepts an
OPfloat as an argument. This function performs whatever actions are
needed to do scene rendering.
  • void() OPdestroy
Game engine termination.
This function pointer points to a user function which is responsible
for gracefully terminating the game engine. This may include saving
data, deallocating memory, releasing OS resources and closing
network connections.
