

  • FILE* _handle
  • const OPchar* path


  • FILE* file
  • ui32 start
  • ui32 length
  • int fileDescriptor



  • ui16 OPreadui16 ( OPstream* str )
OPreadui16 - Reads the next 2 bytes from the file and converts to ui16
  • ui32 OPreadui32 ( OPstream* str )
OPreadui32 - Reads the next 4 bytes from the file and converts to ui32
  • OPchar OPreadi8 ( OPstream* str )
OPreadi8 - Reads the next 1 byte from the file and converts to i8
  • i16 OPreadi16 ( OPstream* str )
OPreadi16 - Reads the next 2 bytes from the file and converts to i16
  • i32 OPreadi32 ( OPstream* str )
OPreadi32 - Reads the next 4 bytes from the file and converts to i32
  • f32 OPreadf32 ( OPstream* str )
OPreadf32 - Reads the next 4 bytes from the file and converts to f32
  • OPchar* OPreadstring ( OPstream* str )
OPreadstring - Reads the next string from the file
  • OPfileInformation OPreadFileInformation ( const char* path )
OPreadFileInformation - Reads file information, getting start and length
  • OPint OPwriteFile ( const char* path, OPstream* data )
OPwriteFile - Writes a byte stream to a file.
  • OPstream* OPreadFile ( const char* path )
OPreadFile - Reads a file into a byte stream.
  • OPstream* OPreadFileLarge ( const char* path, ui32 expectedSize )
OPreadFile - Reads a file into a byte stream.
  • OPint OPfileExists ( const char* path )
OPfileExists - Checks for the existance of a file.
  • OPint OPdeleteFile ( const char* path )
OPdeleteFile - Deletes a file from the filesystem.
  • ui64 OPfileLastChange ( const OPchar* path )
  • OPfile OPfileOpen ( const OPchar* path )
  • OPstream* OPfileRead ( OPfile* path, ui32 size )
  • OPint OPfileWriteui8 ( OPfile* file, ui8 data )
  • OPint OPfileWriteui16 ( OPfile* file, ui16 data )
  • OPint OPfileWriteui32 ( OPfile* file, ui32 data )
  • OPint OPfileWritei8 ( OPfile* file, i8 data )
  • OPint OPfileWritei16 ( OPfile* file, i16 data )
  • OPint OPfileWritei32 ( OPfile* file, i32 data )
  • OPint OPfileWriteString ( OPfile* file, const OPchar* data )
  • OPint OPfileWriteBytes ( OPfile* file, void* data, ui64 bytesToWrite )
  • ui8 OPfileReadui8 ( OPfile* file )
  • ui16 OPfileReadui16 ( OPfile* file )
  • ui32 OPfileReadui32 ( OPfile* file )
  • i8 OPfileReadi8 ( OPfile* file )
  • i16 OPfileReadi16 ( OPfile* file )
  • i32 OPfileReadi32 ( OPfile* file )
  • OPchar* OPfileReadString ( OPfile* file )
  • void* OPfileReadBytes ( OPfile* file, ui64 bytesToRead )
  • OPint OPfileSeekReset ( OPfile* file )
  • OPint OPfileSeek ( OPfile* file, OPint pos )
  • OPint OPfileClose ( OPfile* file )
  • OPfileInformation OPfileCreate ( const char* path )