- OPlinkedList* OPllCreate ( )
Creates an OPlinkedList
- OPint OPllDestroy ( OPlinkedList* list )
Destroys an OPlinkedList
- OPllNode* OPllInsertFirst ( OPlinkedList* list, void* data )
Inserts a node into the first position of an OPlinkedList
- OPllNode* OPllInsertLast ( OPlinkedList* list, void* data )
Inserts a node into the last position of an OPlinkedList
- void* OPllRemove ( OPlinkedList* list, OPllNode* toRemove )
Removes an OPllNode from an OPlinkedList
- OPint OPllGetSize ( OPlinkedList* list )
Gets the number of elements stored in the OPlinkedList