- void OPhashMapInit ( OPhashMap* hashMap, OPuint capacity )
- OPhashMap* OPhashMapCreate ( OPuint capacity )
Creates a HashMap (Dictionary)
- void OPhashMapDestroy ( OPhashMap* map )
Destroys an OPhashMap
- OPint OPhashMapGet ( const OPhashMap* hashMap, const OPchar* key, void* value )
Gets a value out of an OPhashMap
- OPint OPhashMapExists ( const OPhashMap* map, const OPchar* key )
Determines if an OPhashMap contains a value with a key
- OPint OPhashMapPut ( OPhashMap* map, const OPchar* key, void* value )
Puts a value by a key into an OPhashMap. If all buckets have been used it will fail.
- OPint OPhashMapCount ( const OPhashMap* map )
Gets the number of buckets being used by an OPhashMap