

  • OPuint Length
  • OPuint Size
  • Buffer
  • OPuint _pointer
  • OPchar* Source
  • ui8* Data



  • OPstream* OPstreamCreate ( OPuint size )
OPstreamCreate - Allocates a byte stream instance.
  • OPuint OPstreamDestroy ( OPstream* stream )
OPstreanDestroy - Deallocates memory used by a stream.
  • OPuint OPwrite ( OPstream* stream, void* data, OPuint size )
OPwrite - Append data to the stream.
  • ui8* OPread ( OPstream* stream, OPuint size )
OPread - Reads data and advances the pointer.
no allocation performed.
  • i8 OPstreamI8 ( OPstream* stream )
  • i16 OPstreamI16 ( OPstream* stream )
  • i32 OPstreamI32 ( OPstream* stream )
  • ui8 OPstreamUI8 ( OPstream* stream )
  • ui16 OPstreamUI16 ( OPstream* stream )
  • ui32 OPstreamUI32 ( OPstream* stream )
  • f32 OPstreamf32 ( OPstream* stream )
  • OPchar* OPstreamString ( OPstream* stream )
Reads the first string it finds in the stream
Defined by a separated space.
Ex: 'Apple Banana Pear' would return Apple
  • OPchar* OPstreamReadLine ( OPstream* stream )
Reads the next line available in the OPstream
Reads until it finds a \n and will remove all \r
  • OPint OPstreamReadKeyValuePair ( OPstream* stream, OPkeyValuePair* dst )
Reads a text key value pair
Ex: ' Test = My Value ' would return a KeyValue of
Key : Test
Value : My Value
  • ui8* OPreadAt ( OPstream* stream, OPuint pos, OPuint size )
OPreadAt - Reads data at a specific location.
no allocation performed.
  • OPuint OPcopy ( OPstream* stream, void* dest, OPuint size )
OPcopy - Reads data, and copies it into a provided buffer
  • OPuint OPseek ( OPstream* stream, OPuint byte )
OPseek - Skip to a specific byte location in the stream.